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Adaptive Identity Proofing

Identity Proofing Built For Account Security

The industry’s first verified printing solution to boost identity assurance and mitigate account risk

Identity Proofing Isn't Just For KYC

Verosint's identity proofing solution allows customers to send users to perform a number of identity-proofing challenges as a result of a rule.

Only Use It When You Need It

Most of your users don't need document proofing. Save money and user frustration by only proofing the users who need it.

Adaptive Proofing Workflows

Easily route users based on risk and fraud signals to different types of proofing workflows.
iPhone mockup

Verified Print On File

The SignalPrint used to successfully verify a user's identity is tracked. Check during any rule if the current print matches the verified print on file.

Knowledge, Documents, and More

Choose from a wide variety of customizable proofing workflows that include knowledge based proofing, government documents, phone number ownership verification, and more.

Identity Proofing Powered By ID Dataweb

ID Dataweb Shield
Verified SIgnalPrints

Keep the Print on File

Verosint's Verified Prints allow you to keep a record of what the user's SignalPrint was when they completed the Identity Proofing workflow.

Any future print for that account can be easily compared to the Verified Print. Challenge the user to complete MFA, log in again, or even go through another proofing workflow whenever they are no longer verified.
Testimonial logo

"Verified SignalPrints give an organization the assurance and trust that they are dealing with a legitimate customer, eliminating the need for proofing each time a customer returns to the website."

Matt Cochran
VP of Product, ID Dataweb

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See how Verosint delivers actionable fraud insights in real-time.
Learn how fast and easy Verosint is to implement.
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