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AI Powered Account And Platform Fraud  

Verosint enables those responsible for Security, Fraud, Trust and Safety to become real-time fraud fighting experts though automation and AI. Get started and obtain actionable business results in minutes.
Verosint Platform | AI Powered Account And Platform Fraud  Prevention

Platform Summary

Verosint Fraud Intelligence Platform

A purpose-built solution to stop modern account and platform fraud so you can improve trust, efficiency and customer satisfaction to grow your business.
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Immediate Discovery And AI Insights

Discover fraud already on your platform in minutes via secure APIs

Leverage AI for instant visibility into  fraud scope and impact - see the big picture then focus quickly on specific risks

Obtain actionable data to classify accounts by their risk profile and the appropriate mitigation/response

Import prior historical data and get immediate results – no need to wait to train models

Save weeks or months of manual investigation and verification effort

Discover Hidden Fraud in your Platform with Verosint

AI Powered Fraud Prevention

AI identifies fraud patterns, risks and anomalies across real-time event streams and millions of data points

Boost fraud team investigation efficiency and accuracy with immediate insights to resolve cases quickly

Review AI recommendations then drill-down into accounts risks and linkages by email, IP address, phone, and more

Customize risk signals, profiles and account tagging as desired for your unique use cases and business model

AI Powered Account Fraud Prevention

Automate Workflows and Optimize Efficiency

Block fraudsters at your door with pre-built automated security workflows or build and customize your own

Recognize legitimate customers and give them the fastest, easiest user experience

Use multi-factor authentication and identity proofing only when needed to reduce costs and friction

Optimize continuously by monitoring  risks,
fraudulent attempts, deployed countermeasures, and more

Deploy fast with no code required to install on webpages, applications or user devices

Automate Fraud prevention with Verosint

“Fraud Intelligence Platforms generate actionable insights for real-time decision making. Those responsible for online fraud should incorporate this top practice to eliminate intelligence blind spots and automate preventive measures.”

Five Elements to Eliminate Digital Commerce Fraud, February 15 2024

“The most prevalent types of fraud businesses, non-profit
organizations, and government agencies experience today
are account takeover and account opening fraud.”

Fraud Reduction Intelligence Platform, April 25, 2023