Fraud Detection and Prevention platforms like Verosint exist to protect users and businesses from a wide range of fraudulent activity, and fraud vendors take several different approaches to platform pricing. In this article, I’ll describe why Verosint’s MAU (monthly active user) approach is far more advantageous to customers than API-based pricing models, particularly with the rapid increase in some volume based attacks such as credential stuffing.
Credential stuffing attacks involve bad actors using lists of stolen username/password combinations (or just passwords with constructed/guessed usernames) to breach user accounts. They are becoming increasingly common, in part due to the broad availability of large numbers of stolen credentials and more sophisticated attack scripts, some automated and powered by AI. For one example, look no further than the recent RockYou2024 leak of 9,948,575,739 unique plaintext passwords.
The sheer volume of these attacks and their increasing sophistication in bypassing traditional defenses is one reason why Verosint’s MAU (monthly active users) pricing model has emerged as a smart choice by customers versus API based pricing model alternatives.
Bad actors attempt to log into systems with these stolen credentials, often resulting in failed login attempts due to inc orrect username/password combinations or non-existent accounts. API based pricing makes you pay for each of these and at the same amount to protect a non-existent account as a real one. This quickly depletes your monthly quota of API calls, forcing you to contemplate turning off API priced security protection or exposing yourself to unknown exorbitant overage charges from your security vendor.
If you are, even for a minute, thinking about how to throttle, control or otherwise mitigate calls to your API based security system to control cost, you are in a red flag situation. It’s a bad tradeoff. Reminds me of the old days of server based pricing where performance and availability became victims of pricing. We artificially scaled up hardware to avoid buying a second or third server license. In other words, customers were driven to poor decisions due to pricing based architectures rather than following best practice based architecture.
At Verosint, we've worked hard to develop a platform that supports MAU pricing. Our model ensures that you receive comprehensive, always-on protection for every event, in every circumstance, with predictable and understandable pricing. Banish fears of exposing yourself to vulnerable API pricing buckets and overage charges when you can remain singularly focused on protecting your organization from threats.